Queen City Designer Trunk Show

The Fibre Studio is getting ready to kick of the first Queen City Designer Trunk Show. The trunk show features four local knitting and crochet pattern designers. Each designer will have several samples of their designs on display for the event. The trunk show will travel to each of the Charlotte area Local Yarn Shops, where it will remain for ten days.

I have included the flyer below which outlines the schedule and introduces the four, up and coming, designers. The Queen City Designer Trunk Show will begin June 4th at The Fibre Studio and run through September 5, 2021. The event is free to attend and the designers will make guest appearances at the yarn shops.

To get the latest information, please follow the designers and your LYS on social media. You may also follow the event on Instagram using #queencitydesignertrunkshow

We look forward to seeing you.

Peaceful Stitching, Debbie

To see the most current list of our events and classes, visit the Events page on our website or check out our Facebook page.

New Kits on the Block

Hi Everyone,
We visited the Great Smoky Mountains this weekend…Maryville, Tennessee to be exact. Thank you to the fine folks at Hook & Needle: A Yarn Studio for hosting such a lovely trunk show for us. If you are in the area, we highly recommend adding their shop as a stop on your itinerary. The area will host a Wool(dot)Calm event (in mid-March), and who doesn’t enjoy meandering through the mountains seeking out yarn and fiber?

The Fibre Studio is excited to share a new project by one of our favorite designers as well as kits (the selection is just cray cray) for this new project.

Your Slip Is Showing is a boomerang-shaped shawl by designer Casapinka. It is an opportunity to make a large statement piece using a simple slipped stitch technique, which is meditative to knit as it flows from one color combination to the next in twelve different sections. It uses four different colors of fingering-weight yarn and lends itself well to speckles, tonals or variegated colors, fade sets, or gradient colors.

There is a schematic that allows you to plan your shawl colors using colored pens or pencils. How fun! Use it to determine which color will show up at the beginning, middle and end of your project. Directions for this are described in the pattern. Or just do it any ol’ way that you want!

This is a fun and addictive knit that creates a soft and interestingly woven piece for your wardrobe. We love our Studio Sox and our Walkabout – Fingering yarns for this project and have created Your Slip Is Showing Kit suggestions in our Studio Sox for you to peruse.

Want to know what we’re deweing? Pop in to see our studio wörks on Ravelry, Facebook, and Instagram as well as on our website at thefibrestudio.com.

Happy stitching, y’all!
The Ewe Crew